Apr 15 2015
How to Find Your Purpose During Retirement
Sara recently provided tips on how to stay happier in retirement. Read the full article at grandparents.com – here.
Apr 15 2015
Sara recently provided tips on how to stay happier in retirement. Read the full article at grandparents.com – here.
By Sara Yogev • Uncategorized • 0
Mar 17 2015
Sara was recently interviewed for this article in the March 17, 2015 Issue 764 newsletter published by the American Grandparents Association. Click here for the full article.
By Sara Yogev • Uncategorized • 0
Jan 15 2015
When a person is retiring, the elimination of work as a life- structuring factor often reduces psychological wellbeing. Many retirees report loss of status, professional position, identity and employment based social support. For other it also means loss of life purpose. A significant proportion (10-25%) of older workers experience difficulties in adjustment to retirement and some resort to increased sometime even harmful alcohol drinking as a mean of coping with the losses. Common reasons given are; to cheer myself up, combat loneliness, relieve tension and boredom. In addition, since retirement means more leisure time and wider social liberties it too can encourages increased consumption. Several studies found that retirement leads to increased alcohol drinking and that alcoholism can rapidly advance in this age group. Indeed alcohol is the most common substance used by older adults with estimated 17% being problem drinkers and 22% among medical inpatient or emergency room admissions. A 2009 study found that among adults aged 75-85, 27.1% of women and 48.6% of men drank beyond recommended guidelines for their age. Thus the general consensus is that retirement is a potential trigger for new or increased alcohol use disorders among older adults.
However the results are inconsistent as others studies found no change or even decreased drinking as people experience less strain,( e.g. no need for alcohol as a relief from work related stress) and reduced social ties with colleagues who encourage drinking.
The National institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism and the American Geriatric Society recommend no more than 7 standard drinks per week and/or 2 drinks per one occasion for adults over 65 years old. The reason for what might seem as low recommended number of drinks is that even small quantities of alcohol can have a significant impact on the health and functioning of older adults; as we age we metabolize alcohol differently so we become more sensitive to its effects and the same amount we used to drink when we were younger is going to cause more intoxication. More than the above recommended guidelines is considered at risk drinking, which might cause relationship difficulties or health complications like hypertension, damage to the heart and liver, and being more prone to accidents.
There a few terms one needs to be aware of when it comes to alcohol disorders;
Since research studies about the relationship of alcoholism and retirement reported conflicting results as mentioned above ( I can’t explain here the reasons for that,) I find that it is more useful to look at what aspects of the retirement process influence increased drinking behavior.
Alcohol consumption in retirement is impacted by several factors;
By Sara Yogev • Uncategorized • 1
Nov 28 2013
My article about the perils of housework in retirement was published
by next avenue / PBS on November 27.
Here is the link to it.
By Sara Yogev • Uncategorized • 0
Oct 22 2013
Here is the link to the interview I had on 10/15/2013 with Richard Eisenberg from Next Avenue ( a PBS program geared for grown ups who keep growing, the 50+ population) about retirement- feel free to read and spread the word . Hope you will find it helpful.
By Sara Yogev • Uncategorized • 16
Jun 12 2013
I’m glad to let you know that I had a radio interview on 5/30/13 at 4; 20pm EST with the above mentioned station about retirement issues. Topics that were discussed were how to find a new passion in retirement which I see as what I want to pass on, thus breaking to word to pass-I-on. I stressed the importance of “engage as you age”. In addition how do spouses create a new balance in their relationship as their dynamics and interactions change in retirement. The increased time together often causes increased conflicts and lower marital satisfaction and couples can take steps to avoid becoming part of the Gray Divorce trend.
By Sara Yogev • A Couple's Guide to Happy Retirement and Aging, Couples, Divorce, Marriage, Retirement, Uncategorized • 0
Nov 21 2012
As the holidays are getting closer, parents of adults children (particularly those that are not living in the same area) are starting to make plans where to go, with whom to celebrate, what gifts to give etc. For retirees these questions often bring to the surface unresolved or difficult issues regarding how to split resources (time and money) among children.
Whom should be visit- can all of them be rewarded equally – do you give a bigger present to the child who is less financially successful or to the one that has helped so much more when you were sick. Do you let your son host the holiday dinner even thought you don’t get along with his wife and she is a lousy cook. Usually it is not the item (should we fly to CA to be with child X family over Thanksgiving) that is the cause of the conflict, rather the psychological meaning that each spouse attach to that item – not feeling connected with that child for example is at the core for the husband or worrying about the financial cost because the tickets are so expensive.
Reading the Chapters 5 and 8 in my book can help reduce the conflicts and better understand each other point of view.
By Sara Yogev • Family, Grandparents, Money • 0
Nov 19 2012
When couples begin to talk about their dreams for retirement, they may be shocked to discover that each person harbors a very different dream; they may learn that their goals are so different as to be in conflict.
These frank discussions may suggest that you don’t know the person you married as well as you thought, and your spouse can even become an obstacle rather than an ally in achieving your retirement goals. People also frequently find out that their shared goals don’t have the same priority to them as individuals. These belated realizations can lead to a state of marital disappointment.
By Sara Yogev • A Couple's Guide to Happy Retirement and Aging, Marriage, Retirement • 0
Nov 13 2012
I just came back for 2 weeks vacation in India. I met a few couples where both spouses were retired and since they heard about my book we started having conversations about what happened in their relationship as a result of retirement. I was amazed to find out that retirees in urban areas in India face the same issues as American retirees. Women often resent having their husbands under foot. Husbands expect to be taken care of and feel upset when their expectations are not being met. Adult married children would like to see their parents giving more babysitting – help than what the parents are willing. In spite of religious and cultural differences between these 2 countries, very often marital dynamics are more similar than different and people face and struggle with the same problems.
By Sara Yogev • International, Marriage, Retirement • 0
Oct 25 2012
When people retire, their relationships with children, grandchildren, and other family members can be affected, a little or a lot, and for better or worse. While retirement frees a couple to spend more time with family members, it also can produce stress and conflict if the spouses aren’t in sync about how much time should be spent with the kinfolk. It’s a mistake to assume that everyone welcomes retirement as an opportunity to spend as much time as possible with offspring.
As we welcome the holiday season soon, here’s a look at several grandparenting styles, Our book, “A Couple’s guide to Happy Retirement,” includes many more along with explanations of family dynamics regarding these issues.
Common Grandparenting Styles:
• Formal. In this role, the grandparent is interested in the grandchild, provides occasional treats, but doesn’t invest large amounts of time in grandparenting or offer child-rearing advice to parents. A clear distinction is made between the role of parent and grandparent.
• Surrogate parent. Here there is no clear distinction between parent and grandparent. Typically, a grandparent—usually a grandmother—takes care of the grandchild, particularly if both parents are employed.
• Fun seeker. This style is marked by an informal, playful relationship between grandparent and grand-child. When they interact, it is often around games and other fun activities. This type of grandparent is a “buddy” to the child.
• Resource. This grandparent dispenses wisdom, teaches skills, helps with homework, and so on. Grandfathers often take on this style.
• Distant. This style is characterized by a distance between grandparent and grandchild, one that often goes beyond geographical distance. The grandparent sees the grandchild infrequently, usually on holidays or other special occasions, and there isn’t much emotional warmth.
• Safe haven. This style is characterized by warmth, closeness and emotional support. Again, regardless of geographical distance, the grandparents adoration, unconditional love and approval contributes to the development of a secure self in the grandchild.
For more see the book here, available for Kindle.
By Sara Yogev • Family, grandchildren, Grandparents • 3